Thursday, March 28, 2013

I love flying NOT

Anyone with misophonia (I think I have it -google it) will understand why travelling in aircraft is a challenge for me. Having found a quiet place to wait the 60 minutes for our flight, our peace was soon shattered by a man who decided to Skype his girlfriend. Loud voice, foreign language very annoying. Trying not to focus on this, my eyes wander to the family with the difficult child ( should be asleep at 1.30 am)  and the large man munching food across the way. I'm sure he'll be next to me on the plane and I will have to keep my elbows confined to the inside of the seat for the next eight hours. They're a motley crew, this mob travelling to Singapore with us. Apart from the noisy man, just about everyone else is silently tapping on some kind of technology. How times have changed. This, my first attempt at blogging has meant that the wait has gone quickly and we are now boarding. Luckily we had chocolate ( thanks Ellie) to get us through. I love flying! NOT.  Til next time H


hekklejekkle said...

Chocolate - as essential as a passport when travelling!!

hekklejekkle said...

Oh and with your "condition" I can't believe our friendship has lasted so long - must be because I am a quiet wallflower!!!