Saturday, May 3, 2014

Barbed Wire, Burra, My Brother Jack and the Bucket List

I’ve often wished I collected something. Some people collect owls, others postcards or shot glasses. Pete collects stubby holders although he has stopped due to the fact that he already has too many.   I’ve never really found anything that took my fancy.   And why would anyone  collect Barbed Wire? Don’t know really but the publican at Spalding in South Australia does.

We had heard about the collection from friends and the tourist brochures all said it was worth a look so we ventured to Spalding one rainy morning.  There is little else in the town but the pub so when we discovered that the pub didn’t open until midday there was some dilemma as to what to do for the next hour. Luckily, the Barbed Wire Collection in the Pub was open so we ventured in.  The collection is amazing and the publican tells us that he owns a copy of the Barbed Wire Collectors Encyclopaedia!!! Pete even found a sample of the Barbed Wire that the Germans used in WW1 – the wire that the Aussies couldn’t cut as it was so thick.  I will take much more notice of barbed wire in future. Maybe I’ll start a little collection and see what happens. 

Burra was a much busier place with a few shops, a great bakery that had yummy hot pies and coffee and a drive yourself tour of the Historical Sites – remnants of the late 1900’s when copper was mined there. We managed to dodge the showers and walk around the town for a while before taking  the historical self drive tour.

In the afternoon, we met up with Jack (not my brother but Pete’s cousin Father Jack Otto who is a Jesuit Priest living at Sevenhills. - took a bit of poetic licence there – apologies Jack!)  Sevenhills is an historic winery started by the Jesuits in the late 1800’s and still operates as a winery today.  Jack took us on a tour of the winery and after some tasting, we purchased some wine (how unusual)  and received  the Jesuit discount!!  Jack also took us around the historic grounds, through St Aloysius Church, into the crypt  and the Jesuit Retreat centre (which was previously a boarding school for boys) where Jack now  lives.  Later, after drinking some more wine (courtesy of Brother John who has lived there for over 30 years and was the wine maker for many of those), we ventured down to the Sevenhills Pub for dinner. When we arrived, we were the only ones in the restaurant but by the time we left, the place was packed. Must have been because the food was really good.

It’s time for happy hour. I shall pour myself a drink and think about what I might collect. Wine Glasses – yes, I already have a considerable collection at home and can now add one from Sevenhills Winery to the two that I bought from Bonus Downs  earlier in the trip. Done! Of course I’ll also have to start collecting wine to go in the glasses. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem. 

Bucket List

Big Red  -Tick
Birdsville Track  -Tick
Wilpena Pound  -Tick
Flinders Ranges  - Tick
Sky Trek - Tick
Coober Pedy  - Opals Purchased - Tick
Broken Hill  - Tick
Wine Glass Collection  - TBA


1 comment:

hekklejekkle said...

All going well by the look of it.Barb wire he can have!My child hood fences were made of it- many torn clothes!forgot it till the farm & had many dashes & dives thru the lines so the bull didn't catch me. Didn't know there was so much to the subject!! Keep discovering!! Love to both xoxo Anniversary soon just gone??